Saturday, May 21, 2022

Who Makes a Good Sub? Good - Better - Best

The attendance policy in BNI allows members to have substitutes when they have planned absences so as not to be counted absent.*
  While it’s not the same as being there in person, it is a way to stay Top of Mind with fellow members in the chapter and build creditability. Giving thought and planning, lining up and having a sub who can benefit you as well as the chapter makes for a winning combination.

So, who makes a good sub?  Listed below are some options with an explanation as to why they would make a good sub.

  1.       One of the Best Options for a sub is a business owner who can fill a seat in the chapter.  Review the ‘Most Wanted’ list in your chapter as well as the Contact Sphere list.  Who do you know in these industries?  Make a list of possibilities. Reach out to them and have a 1-2-1. They may not feel BNI is right for them, however, they may be willing to sub for you at some time in the future.  Who knows, that opportunity to sub might lead them to change their mind about membership.
  2.       A Referral Partner or vendor not in BNI.  Who are you currently passing business to or who is sending you business who is not in BNI?  Another great opportunity to introduce this industry to BNI and to invite them to sub for you. It will show them a broader scope of more referral opportunities, that of your fellow BNI members.
  3.       A past visitor to your chapter.  Make it a point at each meeting to meet the visitors.  It is always a good practice to follow up with the visitors after each meeting, especially the ones who are in a similar contact sphere or who would make a good referral partner. By establishing contact after a chapter meeting, it makes it easier to call and ask them to sub for you in the future. A list can also be pulled from BNIConnect of past visitors.
  4.       A good client.  A good client makes a great sub as they can give a testimonial about your products and/or services instead of giving an infomercial for you.  This is a powerful way to build your credibility with your fellow members.
  5.       Job Seekers.  Those looking for employment make good subs.  It is a way for them to meet business owners who may need employees. Asking them to sub is a great way to make those introductions.  Each person knows 250 to 300 people.  We never know who our fellow members may know who could help this person find employment.  A true testament of ‘Givers Gain.’
  6.       A Non-Profit.  We all have a favorite non-profit, and they are all looking for exposure in the community.  If the non-profit seat isn’t filled in your chapter, this is a great opportunity to introduce them to BNI.  And even if you already have a non-profit in your chapter, as long as they are not the same type of non-profit, you can ask them to sub.
  7.      A friend, relative, neighbor, retired person, spouse, etc. Your sub does not have to have a business.  Your friend, relative, neighbor, or retired persons are consumers.  A sub can be anyone who can attend, give your infomercial, and represent you in a professional manner.  They might welcome the opportunity to sub for you and could possibly use the products and/or services of the members in your chapter.  Those count as referrals from you.
  8.       A past BNI Member.  Sometimes members step out of BNI for various reasons but leave in good standing.  If their industry seat is still open, this is a good opportunity to reach back out to them. There have been members that have re-engaged in BNI.  It’s good to keep in touch with these members as circumstances change.
  9.       Students.  College students and even some high school students make good subs.  It is a way to introduce them to the business world and to networking. Some may even have part-time or side jobs that they can promote at your BNI meeting.
  10.       A BNI member from another Chapter whose seat is not filled in your chapter. Reach out to neighboring chapters and Core Groups to see which members hold industry seats that are not represented in your chapter.  They are all looking for additional exposure and being a sub is a great way to establish a relationship with chapters.  They may also have business colleagues from their business who are looking for a BNI Chapter.
  11.       Someone from your office.  This one is what I would call a last resort.  Possibly an emergency sub when something comes up at the last minute.  Yes, they can sub for you, but save them when it’s a last minute or emergency situation.  Also, remember to coach them that if they represent your same industry, they will not be able to do a separate infomercial for their business as that would be double dipping and stepping on your toes.

We ask members to invite others to come and network. Seeking out a sub is pretty much the same process.  Who do you know and/or who do you want to know?  As you make your list of possible business owners and consumers to invite to network, also make your list of who would be possible subs.  You could even invite them to a BNI meeting prior to them subbing when you are there so they can understand what to expect.  Often times some people are reluctant to sub because of the unknown.  Having them attend a meeting before they are expected to sub will help them feel more comfortable.  Some chapters even promote this by having a ‘Bring Your Sub Day.’

Do and Don’ts in asking for Subs –

Dos –

-       - Plan ahead.  Make a list of possible subs and talk with them ahead of time of your asking them to sub at some point in the future. 

-       - Ask ahead of time – When you know you’re going to be out due to vacation, business conference, etc. get your sub lined up and confirmed in advance.

-       - Provide your sub with your written infomercial

-       - Confirm and remind your sub.  You may have lined up your sub weeks in advance, however, just like any other appointment, they need to be reminded.

-       - Coach your sub on what to expect.  For example, they will be expected to give your infomercial when the members present.  If they are not in the same business industry, they will have an opportunity to do their infomercial.  If they are in the same industry, then would not give a separate infomercial.

-      -  Notify your Community Builder/Membership Committee you are going to be out and email introduce your sub.

-       - Register your sub in BNIConnect and mark them as a sub.  This will ensure they get the information for the meeting and will be sent reminders.

-       - Provide your sub with the time and location of the meeting.  Even though the system will remind them, it is a good idea for you to provide the information also.  The reminder emails might go to their spam folder.

Don’ts –

-       - Don’t procrastinate and wait until the last minute.

-       - Don’t ask the same person to sub for you every time.  Go back and read over the list above. And remember, the same sub can only sub for the chapter 3 times in a 6-month period. 

-       - Forget to provide them with your infomercial and information about the meeting.

-       - Forget to notify your Community Builder and register your sub in BNIConnect.

Other things to remember:

-       *Even though members are not counted absent when they have a sub, on the Power of One report, a sub counts as half an attendance.  And some chapters may also count this as part of their total attendance as part of their Chapter Policies.  Check with your Membership Committee and Chapter Policies for clarification.

-       Members are asked not to have more than 3 subs in a rolling six-month period as this could jeopardize their seat in the chapter.

Planning ahead and lining up good subs can help you build creditability with your chapter as well as provide chapter members with possible referral partners, consumers, and even possible employees. This is all part of the Core Value and philosophy of BNI – Givers Gain.

For any questions about any of this information, consult with your Support Director for your Chapter.

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