Friday, May 27, 2022

BNI Facebook Chapter Business Page - What to post

Each Chapter has an official BNI Facebook Business page.  This page is a great tool to build visibility in the community to build the chapter’s creditability in order to attract those businesses looking to network with like-minded business owners.  This is an awesome tool that most BNI chapters are underutilizing.

Here are some suggestions on how to use and what to post on your Facebook page.

First, you will need someone in your chapter to be the designated editor for your page.  Most chapters have someone who does social media as their business, or they are good at it for their own business. Ask them to be the editor for the Chapter Facebook page. In some chapters, this person is the Communications Coordinator. This person will need to request access to the page in order to post as the page and have the posts actually show up on the main feed.  Here is the link to request access or to have someone removed as the editor of your Facebook page -  When completing the form, be sure and use the personal email that the editor uses to log into their personal Facebook account. This information is sent to Mike Barbieri who will review the information and grant access to the Chapter Facebook page. 

Once you have an editor for your page, have them review the Social Media Guidelines and resources which are found on, click on Resources, then click on Leadership Team Resources and scroll down.  There are links to BNI branded material that you can use on your page.

Here is a list of suggested material to post on your page.  Some have links to existing pages so that you can get ideas on what other chapters are posting.  Just like with your own business page, post as often as possible and be consistent.

The Chapter Information and Members -

-       Review the ‘About’ section and make sure the location address, day, and time of your meeting are correct.

-       Update the chapter page banner (especially if you’re in-person now) See the three that are currently being used on BNI Atlanta -

-       Ask your members to ‘Like’ the BNI Chapter page. Copy the page URL and send it to all your members.

-       Ask the members to invite their friends to ‘Like’ your BNI Chapter Facebook page. 

o   Huge shout out to the BLAZE chapter and Heather Winston as they have over 1600 followers for their page.

-       Create an album and post all your member’s headshots along with their industry and company name.  Tag their name and business name so that it links to their page

-       Take photos of new member inductions.  Include their sponsor in the photos.  Tag the members.

o   BNI Atlanta also uses a template welcoming new members, share it on your BNI Facebook page.  See some on

-      Events -

-       Every week your weekly meeting is an event.  From your BNI Facebook Chapter page, set up your weekly meeting as a recurring event. Ask members to mark ‘Going.’  The more people are ‘going’ to an event will create interest and improve the algorithm on Facebook so the event will be shown to more people.

-       At the beginning of each meeting, ask your members and visitors to ‘Like,’ ‘Check In’, and make a comment on the page.  All of their friends will see these posts.  This creates more visibility.

-       Create an event and highlight the featured presenter with their photo and/or logo and their bio for your weekly meeting -[%7B%22surface%22%3A%22page%22%7D]%7D   Members can share this to their personal or business pages, as well as other community pages/groups.

-       When you are having Stack Days or Focused Inviting Days, create and event -[%7B%22surface%22%3A%22page%22%7D]%7D  Ask your members to comment and share

-       Take photos and videos at your weekly meetings/events and post to Facebook, i.e. Featured presenters, their props and displays, etc. -

-       Share the regional events from to your Chapter page, such as Monday Mugs that visitors can attend.

Achievement and Recognition

-       Take photos when certificates of completion for MSP and Passport to Success are presented and post to Facebook.

-       Take photos of your Notable Network winners and post

-       Take photos of your weekly ‘Ivan’ award winner with the presenter, the winner, and the trophy.

o   Check out the posts of the BLAZE Chapter of their trophy they nicknamed ‘Beanie.’  Beanie gets to go to conferences, lunch, on vacation, etc.

-       Take photos of Members being presented with their Gold Badge Award for sponsoring new BNI Members.

-       Take a Group Photo of all of your Power of One Green Members.

-       Take photos of your door prize winner being presented with their door prize by the Featured Presenter.  Hopefully, the gift is something photo-worthy. This is an opportunity to promote the giver and the receiver and even perhaps the maker of the gift, which could be from one of your members.

-       Share posts of your members' awards and recognition outside of BNI to your BNI Facebook page.  Shows community involvement.

-       Share members’ events on your BNI Facebook page. i.e. Their business holds an open house or members do a Lunch and Learn.


Miscellaneous –

-       Post Most Wanted industries for those seats you are trying to fill.  Use the BNI Brandshare templates -

-       Post Most Wanted average seat values -

-       Highlight special guests and visitors.

Hopefully, this is helpful information.  Let us know what else your chapter posts to their Facebook business page.

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