So, how is it going for you? For your chapter? We are one month into the new Leadership term. By now most Chapters have set their goals and devised their plan and strategies as to how they will meet their goals and have introduced them to their members. Do you know what your chapter goals are? Have you set your BNI Goals? What activities will you need to do to meet your goals? Do you know the basic Power of One activity to be successful in BNI? Do you do these activities effectively?
In talking to various members, there are some who are still struggling and/or stalled. I was recently asked why some chapters/members are thriving, still adding members, and passing business.
Here are my thoughts:
I believe it has to do with the overall attitude and culture of the chapter and the members. While I know having a positive attitude can't fix everything, you have to have a positive in order to move forward. It's like putting fuel in the gas tank or plugging your electric car into the recharging station. You're not going anywhere without any fuel. It's not wondering if the glass is half full or half empty, but finding a way to fill it back up.

Which type of person do you prefer to be around? Someone who is upbeat, positive, and making things happen? Or Negative Nancy who's always finding excuses for why things are the same oh same oh and it's not going to change until....(fill in the blank, which doesn't matter, because when the blank gets filled, there will be another excuse).

Or are you Realistic Rita? Hmmmm..... Yes, Realistic Rita would point out all the statistics and why things are the way they are. I'm not saying not to be realistic. What I am saying is, things will not improve for people until they decide they're going to improve and put some action towards the improvements.
The same is with BNI. Many swear by BNI and have 'drank the Cool-Aid.' And there are many who say it doesn't work. News Flash....BNI works if you do. What BNI is ... is a system. A marketing system. A way to generate referrals and grow a member's business. The system has to be followed if it is to work. And guess what? There are no shortcuts. They've been working on this system for over 35 years. And anything's tested before it's implemented to the greater BNI membership.
Now, you say you do the activities, but still don't get any results. Why is that? Like any successful business person or successful athletic would do, you have to perfect your skills. Learn to do it better to be effective and efficient. Then it works and becomes enjoyable. Do you follow any sports? Ever wonder why they continuously practice? Or go through drills over and over again? To learn how to execute flawlessly. To develop muscle memory to do the right things when needed.
Are you in an industry that you have to take courses each year to maintain your license or accreditation? Things change. We have to keep up to date.

So, where are you? Are you on-hold, waiting to go back to in-person meetings? Or on fire? It doesn't matter if we're meeting in person or on Zoom, the basics of BNI are still the same. And if the basic principles of BNI are implemented and followed, you will be successful.
The point is, the system works and BNI Works if you work the system.
If you or your chapter needs help and support, reach out to your Support Director Consultant.
Here are some additional resources:
I Hit Hidwal - Dr. Misner
Mindset is Everything - Dr. Misner
Vince Lombardi Got it Right - Dr. Misner
Is Your Chapter on Fire, On Hold, or in a Hole - Dr. Misner
Can't Do or Won't Do - Dr. Misner
For previous articles refer to my Notably Green Blog.
And join the Facebook Group - Notably Green
Let me know if you have any questions and how I can be of help.
To Your Success,

Annette Mason
Area Director Consultant
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