From December 2018
The more you show up, the more money you make and There's hard data to back this up.
In podcast #490 - Dr. Misner presents statistics which support that the more members show up the more money members make. The members who have the fewest absences close the most business. Fewer absences = more referrals. Three absences in six months (the maximum) lead to 73% less business. I would say then the clique 'Out of sight, Out of mind' is true then when it comes to Showing Up at your BNI meeting every week.
Your BNI Meeting is like meeting with your Best Client!
- Put it on your Calendar - If you had a meeting scheduled with your best client, would you bump them if a new prospect called?
- Schedule around your BNI meeting
But Is just showing up enough?
It's true that showing up at BNI meetings increases the number of referrals you get, but showing up is just the beginning.
There is another podcast #329 called "Did Woody Allen get it Right?"
He told the story of a BNI member who said to him, 'You know, I've been showing up to meetings every week and I'm not getting any referrals.' Dr. Misner's response was that showing up to meetings is only one ingredient in the BNI Attendance Success Formula.
The other Success Ingredients are - Show up Early, Be Prepared, and Be Engaged
- Show up early (15 minutes early) to network - Ever heard this - 'If you're on time, you're Late.'
- Every BNI meeting has 15 minutes built into the beginning of the agenda for Open Networking. Why? To engage with your fellow BNI members. To meet the visitors. Remember visitors are a potential source of business and possible future members.
- Be Prepared - Create a weekly presentation that changes every week and focuses on a small element of your business. Keep it fresh. Tell your chapter members about all aspects of your business one week at a time.
- Invite Visitors to introduce to your referral organization. This builds credibility with your fellow BNI members.
- Bring referrals to other members. Remember this is about giver's gain.
- Be Engaged in the meeting - not watching your phone, not texting, etc. Turn your phone off and put it away unless you're expecting an emergency call from a family member. Would you have your phone out if you were meeting with your best client.
And if you Really Want to be Successful - Go the Extra Mile - Go All In
It is not enough just to show up at the meeting each week. You have to do the extras outside the weekly meetings.
- Schedule 1-2-1 meetings with a different person every week. Get to know all the members so you can be a good referral source. Don't just meet with them one time. Keep meeting with them on a regular basis to get to know them and their business. Another good podcast is one by Tim Roberts, BNI US National Director - Power of One to Ones.
- Immerse yourself in education. If you want to do anything well, you need to always be in a learning mode. 'The more you learn, the more you earn.' Most people have to do some sort of training to keep up to date with their business. The same applies to BNI. Learn to be the best networker you can be. It's part of what you paid for with your BNI membership.
- Say yes to becoming a part of your chapter's Leadership/Support team. It's a great way to increase your visibility and, if you do your job well, it increases your credibility - which leads to Profitability.
So, here's my take away. Yes, showing up every week for your chapter meeting is important. However, There is a formula for success that has been perfected over the many years that BNI has been around. Learn it, understand it and create your own success.
Here are some additional resources:
Podcasts - #490 - Show Up - Make Money
#329 - Did Woody Allen Get it Right
Tim Roberts - Power of One to Ones
Tim Roberts - Schedule Yourself for Success
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