Sunday, July 7, 2019


From October 2017

October 1st started the New Year for BNI Chapters and their members. Chapters were asked to set their goals and put in place their plan and mechanisms to meet their goals. Because without a plan, goals are only a 'Wish List.'    
What are your Chapter's goals?  It is the Leadership Team's responsibility to define the goals for the Chapter.  The goals and mechanisms to achieve the goals are the playbook for the chapter.  What's in your chapter's playbook?
 Often times for teams to be successful it is necessary to go back to the basics.  Remember Ivan Miser's story about 'wind sprints?'   
When a chapter is a team, you work together to grow strategically and make your chapter a well-oiled machine!  Is your chapter a team?  
  Do you and your chapter have a playbook that details HOW to win at BNI?  Have you all agreed upon the same rules and the same plays?  Do you practice together regularly (weekly meetings) and get better at the fundamentals ('wind sprints') of BNI or do you just 'wing it'?
The fundamentals begin with attending MSP,  completing the PassPort program, meeting with your mentor, and continuing to learn. 
The other key element of a Winning Successful Team is Communication.  You know how it is when you're on a team -- your coaches communicate with you constantly, encourage you and help you improve. It's motivating, and it helps you feel like the leadership "has your back"! They'll tell you what you need to know when you need to know it, so you can show up and do your best for the team.  This feedback should be coming from your Leadership Team, Educational Coordinator, your mentor and/or membership committee.
The first step in communication is to get all chapter members on board and engaged.  Understanding the 'Why' behind the way BNI operates and how it will benefit them by doing the activities outlined by BNI, i.e. attending weekly meetings, the power of one - one referral per week, 1 visitor per month, 1 one to one per week, and 1 CEU per week.    
One way to ensure members are engaged is to make sure they are being heard.  Now would be a good time to survey your members to find out what's working well for them within the chapter and what's not working well and ask for suggestions.  This information can then be used to make improvements to bring the team closer together in order to move forward and be even more successful.
Playbook (Goals & Mechanisms) +  
Team Practice (Weekly Meetings) + Communication =  
Winning Chapter Culture!  

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