So how are you doing? How are you surviving in your personal life and with your business? I ask because I talk to a lot of people and for the most part, most are positive and making things work for them as best they can. They are finding ways to work and be productive, perhaps differently than before, but making it still the same. Others are thriving and are hiring because their business has picked up considerably.
Here's an article I found that I thought was helpful 'Tough Times Never Last, but Tough people do - Staying Positive during the Pandemic.'
I would like to highlight some of the key points for me in this article.
- The article talked about everything coming to a halt, but yet BNI found a way for us to continue to network. No, it wasn't what we were used to, but the online meetings have provided BNI members a way to continue to meet with our referral teams and referral partners. Many chapters increased their members, have had no attrition, and increased their revenue and referrals over this time last year. The overall revenue for the BNI Atlanta franchise is up over last year's numbers at the same time. BNI Global YTD revenue is over $6 Billion dollars. Referrals are still being passed. Business is still being done.

- Ask for and be willing to accept help. Often times just talking with someone will help us to sort it all out. No one has all the answers or definitively knows what is best or not. Many times we have to figure that out for ourselves and hearing someone else's perspective can help. It's those relationships we've built (perhaps with other BNI members) that can perhaps be our sounding board now.
- Step back and reflect. Find some stress relievers. Take a walk, read a book, watch a movie, etc. Whatever works for you. Just do something that will take your mind off the stress.
- Be grateful. Good comes from everything. Yes, even the tough times. It may be a learning experience. One person recently told me that they had just had a baby and that the quarantine had been great for them, because both parents were able to be home.
- Avoid negative people. There will be those who there is no talking to. No reasoning with. Let them have their pity party and decline their invitation to participate. Sometimes you can't help the person who is drowning because they have the weight of negativity strapped to them.
- Take care of you. Mind, body, and spirit. Because you can't help anyone else, if you can't take care of yourself.
The choice is ours. We can either wallow in self-pity, play the victim card or we can choose to face it, make ourselves stronger and come out more powerful. Let's learn how to stay positive and keep our spirits high during such tough times. All it needs is a different outlook, a different approach.
For the Leadership Teams, I thank you all for stepping up and being positive through all of this. On a recent Director call they shared the video of Captain Sullenberger, 'Scully,' landing his plane in the Hudson. They titled it 'Leadership Under Stress.' Whilst all of this has been difficult and stressful, you did what you needed to do to lead your team. And while some of you and your members are very anxious to get back to face to face, please be patient. As BNI provided us with a way to keep networking, they will provide us with a plan to transition back to face to face that will ensure the safety of our members.
The Gratitude Effect - Dr. Misner
We're All in this Together - Dr. Misner
Inviting Visitors is Easier Online - Dr. Misner
We are Certain of Uncertainty and it's OK - Hazel Walker
Let me know if you have any questions and how I can be of help.
To Your Success,

Annette Mason
Area Director Consultant
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