Sunday, July 7, 2019

Leadership - Getting the Right Team in Place

From June 2018
This time of year Chapters are in the process of selecting the Leadership Team for the new term which begins October 1st.  Your chapter may have asked you for your input as to who do you think should serve in certain positions (and/or may have asked you to serve.)  This also gives you the opportunity to write your name in for a position in which you would like to serve.

So why should you serve in a leadership position?  
- More visibility in that serving in a leadership role gets you in front of your fellow chapter members as well as the visitors
- Build credibility - by serving in a leadership role and carrying out the responsibilities, you are building your credibility with your fellow chapter members.
- Leads to Profitability - One member recently gave a testimonial that she received 51 referrals last year and she attributed it to her serving in a leadership role.

So now is the time to let your current Leadership Team know you are willing to serve.  Which positions do you think you could be the most effective?

In Podcast #357, Dr. Misner and his guests discuss the Secrets to Great Leadership Teams.

Here are some key points from the podcast - 
  • The speed and tone of the leadership team affect the speed and tone of the chapter.
    • It's that way in any business. It is that way in any organization. Chapters that just rock, almost always have a leadership team that is really on top things, highly engaged. They are, in fact, leaders.
  • Accountability is the key to successful chapters.
    • Accountability is important and focusing on those metrics is what makes a chapter successful. Predictors of success include looking at the metrics of a chapter. It is one of the reasons why so as much information is put into BNI Connect, our online program, as possible. How is the attendance? How many referrals are being passed? What is the thank you for closed business?  Then, focusing on that accountability with the leadership team is really key. That means you have to have discussions people about how they are doing. 
  • Leadership teams are the key to accountability.
    • They are the keys to accountability and the way they do it can make a big difference in the culture of the chapter.  There has to be rules. You can't run a sports match without having rules. You can't run a network effectively without having rules, unless you just want to make it a social club. There has to be rules.  There need to be discussions that are positive and supportive.  So you have got to hold people accountable, but you have to do it in a caring way. Leadership teams who get that down really work.
People who make good leadership team members make good leaders in general. Serving on your BNI chapter's leadership team develops your abilities as a leader-and it will also bring you more business, because it increases your professional credibility.

So perhaps you think you don't have the skill set for a particular position?  That's OK.  If you are committed to helping to build a better chapter, let your current Leadership Team that you are willing to serve.  BNI will provide the training.
Here are some additional resources:

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