Act As If......
Your Key to Success
From October 2013.
October starts a New Year with our BNI Chapters. New Officers, new vision, new goals, etc. Last month I wrote about 'Your Ticket to Success,' which had to do with creating a vision, goals, etc. for the Chapter. This month I want to take it one step further....'Acting as if,' which I believe is the key to Success. I know this technique will work because it has worked for me in the past.
October starts a New Year with our BNI Chapters. New Officers, new vision, new goals, etc. Last month I wrote about 'Your Ticket to Success,' which had to do with creating a vision, goals, etc. for the Chapter. This month I want to take it one step further....'Acting as if,' which I believe is the key to Success. I know this technique will work because it has worked for me in the past.
For a description of how to apply this technique, I suggest reading this blog post - by Sherry Collier. She describes the technique for the individual and for a business. This same technique can be applied to a BNI Chapter.
How you say? First the Chapter has to be very specific about what it wants their Chapter to 'look like' in a future state, say a year from now. Does it want to double, triple in size? With committed members contributing to the success of the Chapter? If so, then 'paint the picture' to the Chapter. With the help of the members, write the Chapter's Vision/Mission statement as if you have already achieved that level of success. Post it so that visitors and potential members who attend your meetings can see it. Read it at every meeting.
If your Chapter is small and/or has new members that can't quite grasp what a 30/40 member Successful Chapter would look/act like, then go on a field trip and visit one. You want to see/feel their energy, their commitment, their organization, etc. Encourage Chapter members to have one on ones with members of a 30/40 member Chapter. The dynamics are very different from a small Chapter.
Other ways to Act As If:
- Recruit new members. What open seats are you trying to fill? Who in the community is viewed as successful in their industry? Go talk with them. Invite them to your meeting. If they aren't interested in submitting an application, ask who would they recommend in their industry.
- Interview prospective new members. Make sure they are going to be a good fit for your Chapter, not just a warm body. Make sure they understand the commitment of BNI. Make sure they have a Givers Gain philosophy. Make sure they will work to help the Chapter as a whole be successful
- Define their industry classification. Within industries there can be several different sub categories, i.e. insurance, health & wellness, etc. Make sure when the new member is accepted that their industry classification is defined, so there will be room for growth within that industry category. You do not want industry 'hogs' in your Chapter, because that doesn't leave room for growth. Plus in the long run if the member tries to represent to much, the other members get confused as to what they really do and have problems referring to them.
- Ensure new members are successful. This is where the Mentor Coordinator comes in. From the time the new member is sworn in, the MC should have an initial meeting with them, go over the basics of BNI, assign them a Mentor, get them signed up for Member Success Training, be available to answer their questions, offer constructive feedback, and check in with them periodically their first 90 days to ensure they are on the right track.
- Hold members accountable. If members are not adhering to the guidelines of BNI, then the BNI outlined action steps should be followed. If members aren't held accountable, then they assume what they are doing is acceptable. For example, a large Chapter has a waiting list of prospective members, so if a current member is lax in any areas, the BNI guidelines are followed to the letter, so that if the lax member does not adhere to the BNI guidelines, then their seat is opened.
- Take responsibility. This applies to every member in the Chapter. Every member needs to have the commitment to work to make the Chapter successful. Not sitting on the sidelines wanting someone else to do the work for them. I love the quote...'If it's to be, it's up to me.' Step up and take responsibility. Get involved and be a part of your Chapter's Success.
- Run the Chapter like a business. BNI is a business, a successful business. It has a system, a system that works. Follow the system, it works.
So what is your vision for your Chapter? Can you close your eyes and see it? If you can, then go work with your fellow committed Chapter members and make it happen!
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