From April 2014
A formula for transforming your chapter.
By Dr. Ivan Misner
What is the one secret to success in BNI? The one secret is... there is no "one" secret. In order for members to be successful in BNI there are four things that a member and chapter need to focus on (three core concepts and one theme that applies to each of the three core concepts).
For members, these elements are:
1. Quality
2. Growth
3. Engagement
+1 Stories
2. Growth
3. Engagement
+1 Stories
1. Embrace Quality
Quality is first on the list for a reason. The process begins by being very selective about who you bring into a chapter. You want quality business professionals who have a positive, supportive attitude. You also want people who are good at what they do. Effective networking is also dependent on the quality of the relationships that you actually develop in the group. If your network is a mile wide and an inch deep, you won't be getting the referrals you expect. Therefore, it is important to build deep relationships with your referral partners if you want to generate more referrals.
In order to ensure quality participation, there has to be accountability in a group. One of the strengths of a good network is that many of the members are friends. One of the weaknesses of a good network is, ironically, that many of the members are friends. Friends don't like to hold friend accountable. However, BNI is not a friendship organization. It is a referral organization. Thus, in order to generate quality referrals - members must hold their fellow members accountable for their participation in a group.
If you expect the best from your members, you'll get it. If you expect less than the best from your fellow members, you'll get it. Why accept mediocrity when excellence is an option? Accountability in a group will help you achieve excellence.
The last part of "quality" that is important to mention is the application of our core philosophy, Givers Gain®, in a chapter. The more members who live this philosophy (particularly as it relates to referrals), the more successful a group will be.
2. Grow Your Team
Years ago I learned that there is a dramatic correlation between the size of a quality group and the number of referrals that are generated by that group. Groups under 20 do not generate as many referrals (proportionately) as do groups over 20. The math proves it. If you have a group of 16 people, that group has 256 connections (16x16). [See Diagram A] However, a group of 32 people has 1,024 connections (32x32)! [See Diagram B] In BNI, critical mass for a group begins in the 20s (the average chapter size worldwide is roughly 24).


This multiple of connections gets even more interesting as it gets larger. For example, if you double a group of 24 members to 48 members, that group goes from 576 connections to 2,304 connections (double the size - quadruple the connections)! In a network, the number of relationships (or members) leads to a number of connections that is a squared multiple of the actual membership. I call this ratio of people in a group compared to the total connections that are created the "Squared Connection Effect." Hence, the quantity of members truly makes a difference in the total number of connections and inevitably the amount of referrals that can be generated in a group.
The bottom line is that the more connections you have (based on quality relationships of course), the more referrals you generate. For decades, I have seen groups that are twice the size of other groups in an area generate several times more referrals than their smaller counterparts. The math is pretty significant and consistent.
3. Seek Engagement
Engagement involves a promise and an action. In order to achieve success in a group, the members must promise to support one another and take the actions necessary to fulfill that promise.
There are many ways that members can be engaged in a group. They all begin with the group as a whole being immersed in a culture of learning.
- Has everyone in your group listened to the BNI Orientation audio material?
- Have they all gone to Members Success Program training?
- Have many members taken it a second time (or more)?
- Do most of your members listen to the BNI Podcast?
- Do they subscribe to and regularly read SuccessNet?
- Is your chapter participating in the BNI FastTrack program/60 Days to Success?
The higher the number of members engaged in these activities, the more likely the entire group will be generating more referrals. The reason for this is a shared vision of success and a shared implementation of that vision.
Another way to be actively engaged in a group is to do regular and consistent 1-2-1s (meet with members outside the regular BNI meeting). Over and over, I see that members who do regular 1-2-1s tend to both give AND get more referrals.
Lastly, are you and your members doing really good introductions every week? The best introductions are ones that focus on breaking your business down to laser specific elements of your business. Sharp-shoot your talks; don't shotgun them. Each week, talk about one key element, product, or benefit of what you do.
According to Psychology Today, research has found that people who are "actively engaged" in a business environment are "43% more productive" than those who are not.
Furthermore, they state that engagement includes "regular dialogue, quality of working relationships, perceptions of ethos and values of the organization, and recognition." Does any of this sound familiar to what is done in good BNI groups? It should. There's research behind our recommended action for engagement, and it's critical to the success of members in a group.
+1 Share Stories
The last piece of the "3+1 For Success" is to tell stories. Listening closely to your member's weekly presentations will help you in telling positive stories about your fellow members. Doing regular 1-2-1s will help you to tell stories when you give referrals. Think about your many experiences and write them down.
A number of years ago I met Robert Dickman, author of The Elements of Persuasion. He taught me the formula for a good story:
Lastly, are you and your members doing really good introductions every week? The best introductions are ones that focus on breaking your business down to laser specific elements of your business. Sharp-shoot your talks; don't shotgun them. Each week, talk about one key element, product, or benefit of what you do.
According to Psychology Today, research has found that people who are "actively engaged" in a business environment are "43% more productive" than those who are not.
Furthermore, they state that engagement includes "regular dialogue, quality of working relationships, perceptions of ethos and values of the organization, and recognition." Does any of this sound familiar to what is done in good BNI groups? It should. There's research behind our recommended action for engagement, and it's critical to the success of members in a group.
+1 Share Stories
The last piece of the "3+1 For Success" is to tell stories. Listening closely to your member's weekly presentations will help you in telling positive stories about your fellow members. Doing regular 1-2-1s will help you to tell stories when you give referrals. Think about your many experiences and write them down.
A number of years ago I met Robert Dickman, author of The Elements of Persuasion. He taught me the formula for a good story:
- A story is a fact
- Wrapped in an emotion
- That compels us to take action
- That transforms us in some way
Can't think of a story? Look here at SuccessNet. There are a ton of stories here starting with the "My BNI Story" section.
Remember that facts tell, but stories sell. If you want to build your group in order to generate more referrals, overlay storytelling on top of your efforts. This is particularly true regarding the testimonials you give at a chapter meeting.
3+1 = Member Success
1. Embrace Quality
2. Grow Your Team
3. Seek Engagement
+1 Share Stories
Understanding this formula can change your group in amazing ways. Share with me what resonated most with you from these ideas and/or how you think you can use these concepts in your group. If you've experienced success already from practicing any of these concepts, tell your story!
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