Sunday, March 24, 2019

Weekly Presentation AKA Infomercial

From July 2013 - Want to get Great Referrals?  It all starts with your Weekly presentation aka Infomercial.  This is your time to let your Sales Team know exactly who/what  your perfect referral would be.  Breaking it  down to LCDs (Lowest Common Denominator) is a simple easy way to convey your message.

Lowest Common Denominators (LCDs)

By breaking your product or service down to its most basic form,  
or Lowest Common Denominator (LCD), you will be able to  
effectively describe what you do. This is done to communicate  
to your Chapter members what are good referrals for you.  Keep it simple.  Do not use technical jargon or industry acronyms.  Explain in terms a 5th grader would understand.

A Good Weekly Presentation consists of 5 Key Elements

1. Introduction - Your Name, Your Company Name, Your Industry (What you do)

2.Your Products and/or Services - Briefly describe ONE of the products/services you offer each week.  BNI calls this your LCD or Lowest Common Denominator.  Break down your service or product into its most basic form LCD.). 

3. What Your Products/ Servies Do - (Benefit)  What will your product or service do for the referral you're looking for?  Why do they buy this from you?  What you really want to describe here is the benefit of your product/service.  Telling a brief is often very helpful.

4. Ask for the Referral - The referral/introduction I'm looking for today is..."  What to look for (WTLF); be extra-specific.  Tell your sales team what action to take for you.  Give them a 'conversation starter," i.e. What to say for you.  The idea here is to be as specific as possible.  Ask for the specific contact or an introduction to a company you are trying to meet.

5. Close - Your Name, Your Company, and a Memory Hook (aka Tag Line).

You can use props that you can show to make a strong impression.  The more things people  
can see, hear, feel, etc. the more likely they are to remember your message. 

Be memorable,

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